Medan Area University is one of a famous private university in Medan. Medan Area University always do a charity to people especially they who live around the university. In this Ramadhan, Medan Area University did a charity in an Orphanage. Not only that, Medan Area University also gave basic food to orphans.

Medan Area University distributed the charity was helped by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. First, this Faculty of Social and Political Science looked for the Orphanage that really needed a help related to the problem caused by COVID-19. As we know that the impact of Covid-19 caused many people are jobless.

Finally, Faculty of Social and Political science of Medan Area University distributed the charity to Panti Asuhan Tafakul On Monday, 4th of Mei 2020. As a human, we have to help each other. Hopefully, by means of this charity, the Orphans in Tafakul Orphanage can be happy got the charity of Medan Area University. This activity was attended by The Vice dean of University Student of Faculty of Social and Political Science, Mr. Yurial Arief Lubis, S.Sos, M.IP.

In the end, we say thank you very much to the people who distributed the charity. We hope the charity can be used as good as possible.